Mizan Therapy uses traditional healing techniques to address conditions involving reproductive organs, the digestive system and emotional health. These techniques are commonly used in India and further east for optimising people’s health. It is a gentle, external massage that brings healing to the abdomen and womb space for optimum health and well-being on a both physical and emotional level.
for pregnancy …
Mizan pregnancy massage, is a style of bodywork that focuses on connection between the pregnant person and their baby while also aiding relaxation and relieving tension. It can honour, support and celebrate the spiritual and sacred journey of the pregnancy, birth and beyond.
This therapy is spent providing a nourishing and attentive touch to the body to bring a sense of re-connection, confidence and trust within their own bodies. Body awareness during the antenatal time is an important part of preparing for labour and birth as well as the postnatal period.
Mizan therapy can resolve symptoms of pelvic girdle pain and symphysis pubic dysfunction, including other common discomforts of pregnancy such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, low back ache, sciatica, constipation, incontinence and urinary tract infections. It tones and strengthens the uterus while encouraging the baby into optimal positioning preparing for labour and birth.
for postpartum …
Having Mizan Therapy post birth is extremely beneficial in assisting the internal organs gently back to their optimum position and function. While also a time to process and nourish the body post birth.
Depending on the birth, Mizan can usually be safely done before the 6-week check, afterwards in the case of caesarean section. If the birth was by caesarean section, Mizan will not only guide the uterus back into position, but will also help in breaking down scar tissue and preventing the uterus adhering to other internal organs